My thoughts on trying to conceive and a little about my experience
Conception. Pregnancy can be isolating but trying to conceive and having difficulty is even more isolating. It’s an emotional roller coaster every 2 weeks of testing for ovulation and testing…

From single living to minimalist wedding and designing my own engagement ring
I am married! I wasn’t sure if I would get here but I did. Before we jump to the wedding stuff, I’d like to share a mindset shift to all…

Lemon Berry Loaf with Crisp Edges and Moist Center
I like my pastries a little rustic. Mainly because I have no talent in baking fancy-looking stuff. I’m a self-taught baker so I find beauty in my baked goods looking…

Homemade Cashew Milk – No Straining Required
Cashew milk is the easiest and healthiest nut milk you can make at home with just a blender. Cashews are also grown in the Philippines so it’s more affordable than…

Vitamix Giveaway and Antioxidant-rich Smoothie
Wholefood smoothies are my go-to food. I use a Vitamix to blend a cocktail of frozen fruits, vegetables, nut milks and superfoods. I choose what to put in my smoothie depending on…

Chicken Adobo with Apple Cider and Balsamic Vinegar
A personal challenge I gave myself in 2019 was to not eat chicken. The previous years, I didn’t eat pork and beef. I’m a weirdo that way like to abstain…

EDSA Shangri-La Hotel, My Urban Sanctuary in the city
This year, I found myself seeking solace in EDSA Shang, as it is fondly called, many times and for many different reasons. Some were occasions, some were personal reasons. This…

Vegetarian Baked Bell Pepper Recipe with Rhian Ramos
I think the world knows I have a special relationship with Rhian. Some even think she’s my girlfriend. She is not but she is like a sister to me. We…

The Best Banana Bread EVER with Solenn Heussaff
I’ve loved banana bread since I was a little girl. It was my favourite snack at Starbucks in college. This is the first thing I learned how to bake so…